Thursday, December 13, 2007

2 years ago i bought Slea a sewing machine...

She wanted to try out sewing or quilting and what not. Seemed like a good hobby for her to take up. Now the machine is still sitting, in its box, untouched. It's definitely not for lack of inspiration or motivation, it's about space. There's no good spot for a sewing table in the house. In fact, I forgot about it until I saw this post on Mental_Floss. I don't know why i never thought of combining 8-bit art with quilting blocks, it's a natural fit.

But this one stood out, mainly because it's a tattoo I've wanted to get for a long time, that is until I saw Seanbaby's reader babe Caitlin. I don't want the same tattoo some chick has, unless it's the one me a Slea share.


Blogger princess slea said...

eventually i AM going to start sewing!

12:49 PM  
Blogger princess slea said...

eventually i AM going to start sewing!

12:49 PM  

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